My Second Brain
Welcome to my second brain! Here is a collection of my notes. Notes are mainly about computer science related topics, including machine learning, neural networks, data analysis, etc.
everything is a work in progress, so don't be suprised if pages are broken or have unfinished content!
Notable Pages
Here is a collection of my notable pages that you can jump to.
- Home
- Computer Sience
- Math Linear Algebra, Statistics, Calculus
- Software Development
Since obsidian supported plugins, such as DataView, some Latex Features, Image Resizing, Banners, are not yet supported by Quartz, some pages might be broken. I will try my best to write my notes in a way that is supported by both Quartz and Obsidian! If you would like to see the obsidian vault that I designed, simply download this repository from Github, and open up the content
folder as vault.
Feel free to contact me.