The Past
My start in the field of computer science was quite late. I took my first computer science course in my junior year of high school. It was a standard computer science course taught in Java. The course itself was pretty simple, covering Java syntax, object oriented design, data structures, and algorithms. Here, I found one of my passions, not the course itself (whose emphesis is on programming), but the concept of using programming as a tool to develop software/hardware that can make my life easier.
And so I started to tinker. I loved the concept of creating tiny scripts that could automate tasks for me. I also took a strong interest in diy raspberry pi projects.
Having a strong background in mathematics and a new found interested in computer science, I wanted to pursue computer science at university.
The Present
I am currently a undergraduate at Tsinghua University studying computer science. I have experience in mobile development, web development, computer architecture, computer graphics, operating system, and high performance computing. I have worked with all sorts of programming languages, tools, and frameworks throughout my courses.
The Future
I want to work on software that will help others.
You can find me on the following platforms!
About this site
This is my blog! A collection of my notes, programming projects, and journal entries!
This is a static website generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. It uses the Chirpy theme.
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