3D Convolutional Neural Networks
This is an extension on Convolutional Neural Network, focusing on 3D convolutional neural network applications and technologies.
01 Background
KITTI Dataset ModelNet40
- https://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu ScanNet
- http://www.scan-net.org TU-berlin Quick Draw
- https://github.com/googlecreativelab/quickdraw-dataset MNIST
02 Important Concepts
3D Representations
Approaches for 3D Object Detection
- Point-wise feature extraction
- Aggregate view object detection
- Frustum / Region of Interest
03 Famous Architectures
PointNet (2017)
📃: 💡: Resources:
VoxelNet (2017)
📃: 💡:
PointCNN (2018)
📃: 💡:
PointRCNN (2019)
📃: PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection from Point Cloud 💡: First two-stage 3D object detector for 3D object detection by only using point clouds.