Types of databases?
- Relational Database
Database Schema
- Logical database schema, Entity Relationship Model (Design)
- Physical schema (Implementation using specific database)
Types of Keys? Primary, Foreign, Composite
Books Table
BookId | Book Title | Price | Published |
1 | Learn SQL | 10 | Yes |
2 | Learn C# | 20 | Yes |
3 | Learn CSS | 15 | Yes |
4 | Learn HTML | 20 | No |
Authors Table
AuthorId | FirstName | LastName | Gender |
1 | Mark | Dunn | Male |
2 | Sara | Longhorn | Female |
3 | Jessica | Dale | Female |
4 | Steve | Wicht | Male |
An example of primary key would be BooksId for Books tables, or AuthorId for Authors table. In this relationship, we can say that a book can have many authors, but an author can have published many books.We can create a junction table to handle many to many relationships. The code below gives us a composite primary key.
CREATE TABLE Authors_Books (
AuthorId int not null foreign key references Authors(AuthorId),
BookId int not null foregin key references Books(BookId),
Constraint PK_Books_Authors primary key (AuthorId, BookId)
AuthorId | BookId |
1 | 1 |
1 | 3 |
2 | 1 |
You can also create a composite primary key on a single table.
ALTER TABLE [table_name]
ADD Constrait [name] primary key (Col 1, Col2, Col3, ...)
A composite primary key does not allow null values or duplicate values (across columns), just like a primary key. A composite key is a primary key made up of multiple columns/features
Table Relationships? One-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many
What is data normalization? 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
- non-key attributes
- functional dependency
- partial dependency
- transitive dependency